Voting Made Easy
It is vital we all vote in every single election - from school levy votes to national elections. Fortunately, the State of Idaho makes it easy to register, find your polling place, and even request a no excuse absentee ballot so you can vote by mail all online.
Voter Registration Register and keep your information up to date. You must update your address everytime you move.
Register Online at www.voteidaho.gov
Register by Mail with this FORM
Register in Person -visit your county elections office and bring these documents.
New voters can register during early voting or on Election day.
Absentee Ballot:
At the end of January every calendar year, request your ballot for all of the elections taking place that year online with your driver’s license at: www.voteidaho.gov.
Ballots start to be mailed out about 4 weeks before each election.
Mark your ballot and return by mail or in person to the county office ASAP. They must be received by the county no later than 8:00 pm on the day of the election.
Early voting: Vote in person for the two full weeks prior to each election. You may vote early at the county elections office M-F 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.
Election Day voting: Polls are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. To find out where to vote, go to www.voteidaho.gov.
For answers to almost any voting question, you can visit VoteIdaho.gov. For anything you can’t find on that website, you can call the
Bonner County Elections Office at 208-255-3631.
1500 Hwy 2, Suite 124, Sandpoint, ID
Located at Highway 2 and Division at the County Admin Building.
Find answers to most of your voting questions at voteidaho.gov
You can register to vote online or update your voter registration at with Online Voter Tools at voteidaho.gov
Request your ballots by mail (called Absentee Ballots in Idaho) in Online Voter Tools at voteidaho.gov
NOTE: You must make this request every calendar year, by Idaho law.
Not sure where to vote? No problem. Enter your address at Find Your Polling Location and find out exactly where you can vote!
In most elections, you can vote early by going to the Bonner County Elections office at:
1500 Hwy 2, Suite 124
Sandpoint, ID 83864.Early voting is available the two weeks prior to each election through the Friday before Election Day.